Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Depression, a chemical and nutritional imbalance

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Every person has the blues from time to time. But when they take place on a more frequent basis, you should start to be concerned. Some of the time it can be due to events that take place in your life, with women, it can be having a baby or pre and post menopause. This can be a very stressful time in your life and this is when balancing the body is not only important, it becomes crucial. Balancing your nutritional intake intelligently is always advisable, processed foods tend to bring your energy level down as well as your mood. But, even more important, is balancing you endocrine system ”,: . Your hormones play a major role in all of the body’s functions, including depression. Depression is more than just feeling “blue” or “down in the dumps” for a few days. It’s a serious illness that involves the brain. With depression, sad, anxious, or “empty” feelings don’t go away and interfere with day-to-day life and routines. These feelings can be mild to severe. The good news is that most people with depression can get better with treatment.

The Anti-Aging Clinic offers our Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy ”,: . The difference between Saliva & Blood Testing ”,: . Saliva testing over the course of one month to determine exactly what hormonal deficiencies and abundances there are and then, using our questionnaire ”,: and the laboratory reports ”,: we design a BHRT program specifically for your needs. Our compounding pharmacist uniquely formulates this correct dosage of micronized hormones in lozenge form, that is placed under the tongue daily. Balancing the endocrine system is critical for good mental as well as physical health. All disease comes from metabolic imbalance. When the underlying metabolic imbalance is corrected, the illness may go away. If you fail to keep up the correction, for the underlying metabolic imbalance or the illness may return. We help you fight back with hormone balancing and, with nutritional awareness ”,: . You can adjust your diet to help stabilize your mood. It is crucial to eat meals at regular intervals with the purpose of keeping your serotonin levels in check. Serotonin ”,: is a chemical in the brain that has a calming effect. High-quality nutrition is the best adjunct to BHRT for fighting depression as well as improving health overall. Several studies have confirmed that people who suffer from depression also have lower levels of antioxidants ”,: including vitamin-E ”,: .

Dark green vegetables ”,: such as spinach and peas are high in folate. It is a substance that has a key role in the production of serotonin. Eat fresh vegetables, because canned versions usually have lower nutritional value with sodium.

Other foods we mention to our clients are Chickpeas, garlic and fiber. Chicken and turkey are both rich in vitamin B6 ”,: , which also has an important role in serotonin production.

If you’ve been dealing with the symptoms of depression for some time you need to become involved with our natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. We can help you no matter where you live. Our questionnaire can be handled over the phone and our saliva testing panel can be mailed you for collect at home, then you mail to the laboratory.

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posted by David Tippie @ 1:53 PM   0 Comments


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